Couch to 5k
We've all been there. Once, you were fit, healthy and energetic. But something went wrong!
Now you want to be that person again!

Not Sure If You Can Do It?
Maybe you fancy the idea of jogging but you're not sure you're up to it.
That's a normal reaction. Nearly everyone starts with low expectations. But almost everyone who starts this programme will achieve their goal. It's designed precisely to help people just like you. To help you do one thing -
If you've got an existing medical condition and you have any doubts about whether to do Couch to 5K, take a look at our HEALTHCHECK page. This doesn't cover every condition, but it lists the ones that we've come across in previous groups. We don't know your individual situation, though, and we're not medically qualified. So if you have any doubts, PLEASE consult your GP or other medical professional.
If you're not quite ready for Couch to 5K, it's not the end of the world. We can provide you with a "Walk Your Way Active" plan which involves no jogging whatsoever. It uses the same process of building you up, but it's all about going for walks - gradually going a little bit further. You just do the workouts on your own, at your own pace and progressing at a rate you feel comfortable. You can then think about joining the next Couch to 5K group, the following one ... or the one after that. You do it when you feel ready. And we'll be at the end of an email to give you any help, advice or encouragement that you need.